Mashonaland West There was conflict over land and some youths affiliated to the ruling Zanu PF party are presiding over these land disputes. This sets the stage for future land conflicts which may not be peaceful. There were also food violations reported. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 13 January Political rights In Chegutu West it was reported that current Chegutu councillor Edward Dzeka threatened aspiring 2018 MDC-T councillor Annah Matigereki with abduction if she continued to oppose him in ward 9. Annah was threatened with unspecified punishment in upcoming 2018 elections if she continued her ambitions of becoming a councillor in the area ahead of the 2018 elections Date unknown Political freedoms In Kadoma Central Ward 1 it has been reported that there are three Zanu-PF youths who are calling themselves the revolutionary group or trio and forcing residents in the area to remain loyal to Zanu-PF ahead of the 2018 elections. Charles Madamombe, Costa Muengwangwa nicknamed Madzimbawe and David Tarumbira live at Arendel farm. The trio resides in ward 1 but they are threatening residents in ward 13 to register as voters in ward one in order to increase the influence of Zanu-PF Councillor Runganga in the area and also to get more votes in the constituency. The trio is reported to be behaving like Chiefs in the local area, presiding over community land disputes. They have manipulated people to write the names as representatives of ward 1 in order to benefit from food aid and fertilizer distribution in the area. 15

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