unknown Right to basic education In Mazowe Central constituency, in Chiweshe under Manomano village, Tapiwa Nhodo* aged 10 and Farai Nhodo* aged 8 are being denied their right to education by their father Wilbert Nhodo* (*names changed to protect identity of victims). They have never been to school but they are of school going age. They belong to the Johanne Masowe congregation and the religion forbids children to go to school hence violating their right to education. The two are not allowed to put on jerseys even during winter periods and this exposes them to the risk of catching cold related diseases. 28 January In Mazowe South constituency, Peter Sithole* of ward 16 was harassed and intimidated by Zanu PF chairperson Takawira Shongedza at Protest farm. He was forced to mobilise people for a rally of the party. After passing the word to the people who had gathered, the perpetrator scolded Gotsi on why he had called the meeting. Ongoing Political rights In Guruve South Constituency, a Zanu PF district chairperson is forcing villagers to attend branch meetings every Friday. District Committees and Branch Secretaries have compiled attendance registers for residents in the villages. This has been done to instil fear in them not to join other political parties. The ruling party has been creating structures in the constituency in preparation of 2018 elections. Mashonaland East There were numerous cases of partisan distribution of food aid. Caledonia which is an extension of Harare East is being used by politicians to force desperate homeless people to vote for them. 13

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