In ward 28, Mazowe North Mvurwi, Zanu PF district chairperson Cde Chiwara issued threats of abduction to CCC activist Vengai Matiriri. On 21 September Chiwara told Matiriri that he might go missing for supporting the CCC party. Following the threats, the victim immediately made a police report at Mvurwi police station. The case was later referred to Bindura Law and Order for investigation (RRB5150217). The trend of arrests and detention of citizens continued in September following the arrest of CCC activists Job Sikhala, Godfrey Sithole and other victims of the Nyatsime violence in June 2022. On 29 September CCC activist Felix Bhiri was arrested by the police after he was abducted and assaulted by suspected Zanu PF activists in Nyatsime. The victim was reportedly abducted and taken to a base where he was assaulted for unknown reasons. He was later picked up by the police and charged with inciting public violence following the June 14 Nyatsime violence. On 8 September at Red Acres Farm, ward 13 in Zvimba North it is alleged that a Zanu PF activist Tawanda Madikiwa had a violent scuffle with a 37 year old man. Reports indicate that before that incident Madikiwa had threatened the victim with death threats. After the fight around 12 midnight Madikiwa reportedly torched the victim’s house, using an accelerant thought to be gasoline. The fire destroyed property worth thousands of dollars and left the affected family in dire need of assistance. The matter was reported to the police however no arrest was reported. On 26 September at Magunje Growth Point Ward 12 in Hurungwe Central, a Zanu PF activist and war veteran Frank Ndambakuwa threatened to kill a 50 year old CCC member. The victim, who is a teacher, was harassed, intimidated and threatened with death after he failed to attend a Zanu PF meeting. He is also worried about the extent and continued threats by the Zanu PF activist. During the month of September Hurungwe district became a hot spot of political violence. 11

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