#ZIMBA including substance abuse. According to The Herald, Parirenyatwa Hospital alone attends to about 800 mental health patients monthly with most of the ailments being related to drugs. Like every other health institution, it is incapacitated from shortage of resources and admission is only for those with ‘serious cases and the rest get therapy from home, which further exposes them to the environment which encourages substance abuse. Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals spokesperson Mr Linos Dhire told The Herald that there was need for extensive nursing interventions and manpower to deal with such cases. Since the youths are now abusing new forms of substances such as crystal meth, Broncleer (known as Broncho on the streets) and other emerging drugs, there is pressure on the part of practitioners to urgently fill the knowledge gap on how to handle these new forms of drug and substance abuse,” said Dhire.. Government should do more than cheap talk and implement a robust intervention to decentralise rehabilitation services for those in substance abuse. Government should also address the root cause of mental health issues by creating employment and income generating opportunities for young people. On the whole scale, government should fix the country’s ailing economy through an inclusive approach . Pic: ZPPINFO 234th Street in Highfields Harare. This streets represents the states of the majority of roads in Harare, which have been long neglected.

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