#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK Mashonaland East Rape has been used as tool for political coercion in Zimbabwe’s elections and on 4 January, a 28year-old Zanu PF youth (name supplied) at Goso Village in Ward 5 of Murehwa North, attempted to rape a 70-year-old woman. The Zanu PF youth reportedly sneaked into the woman’s house at night and attempted to rape her before she raised alarm. The assailant sneaked out, but part of his clothes remained, leading to his identification. Villagers reported the matter to the police but no arrests were made at the time of writing of this report. Meanwhile, as Zanu PF conducted its preparations for primary elections, villagers in some parts of the province were coerced to be part of the processes, and Zanu PF officials promised to unleash violence on those who intended to vote for other political parties. This is one of the worrying trends in Mashonaland East Province, which has been the bedrock of political suppression since 2000. For example, on 25 January in Mutoko South at Kushinga Business Centre Ward 26, a Zanu PF ward councillor only identified as Musakwa forced villagers to convene to receive Pfumvudza fertilizers and Zanu PF activists hijacked the process and instead dished out only to party supporters, leaving the rest. Mashonaland West Political activity remained pronounced in the province and with it came some violations. The major highlight was in Banket, where Zanu PF activists assaulted an activist of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), Sosana Churu as she worked in her field at Trilona Farm in Banket. The assailants reportedly used a hammer to crush Sosana Churu's fingers and according to her, the crime was her support for the opposition. In Chinhoyi, the Zanu PF primary elections were reportedly conducted in a disorderly manner. On 25 January during the Zanu PF primary elections held in Chinhoyi at Chinhoyi Primary School, it is alleged that, voting at Chinhoyi Primary School started around 1pm as the process was delayed by some skirmishes. Around 11 in the morning Simon Mkondo a tout reportedly brought about 20 other touts at the polling station and forcefully took and tore all ward and cell structure sheets as he wanted to impose Ignatius Zvigadza a fellow tout for the local authority position. The Police were then engaged and restored order. New sheets were then printed and voting commenced. No arrests or injuries were reported. . . Bulawayo Following the announcement that by-elections were to be held on March 26, several political parties became more visible preparing the stage for campaigns and the nomination court process. Zanu PF conducted its primary elections for national assembly and local government seats. Although, there was no violence across the process, there were reports of vote buying and other manipulative processes and there is a genuine worry that such malpractices might be witnessed in the by-elections and the 2023 harmonized elections. Police brutality remained high despite a relaxation of lockdown measures. There were renewed tribalistic undertones as some organizations and individuals have been on the crusade, denouncing anyone without a Ndebele surname While there are some tribal imbalances that need addressing, it remains a human rights violation to discriminate one based on tribe, culture and religion among other things. We call on the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission to act according to their mandate and ensure that the situation is resolved. Matabeleland North and South Provinces The formation of the new party, CCC party resulted in some conflict among opposition supporters. In Ward 9 of Binga North, one Japhet Siansipa of the MDC-T threatened to organize thugs to beat supporters of CCC and it appears the split between Mwonzora and Khupe over the leadership of the MDC-T, and the CCC is spilling to the grassroots, where supporters are engaging in violence. ZPP has always called for peaceful contestation and continues to urge the three opposition leaders, Chamisa, Mwonzora and Khupe to urge their supporters in the province and beyond to disagree peacefully. Meanwhile on 8 January, in ward 4 of Binga North, Zanu PF activists identified as Sizani Ngulube, Prisca Ndlovu, Sithulile Mpofu and Tegu Ngulube seized the official beneficiary lists from the local VIDCO officials, intending to manipulate the process and and favour Zanu PF supporters. Police had to intervene and they ordered the truck to go back without offloading the aid, resulting in all failing to benefit. The police should have maintained order and allowed for the distribution of aid using the official lists held by the VIDCO officials. Across the two provinces, there was general intimidation of opposition supporters and in Siyangaya village, a Zanu PF activist, Mandla Lifa, while donning Zanu PF regalia, intimidated villagers at the local shops and said community members are supposed to vote for Zanu PF and those that fail to participate in the forthcoming activities of the party would be dealt with and removed from the farming input scheme. It is held that Lifa said all this wearing party regalia and even emphasizing his points carrying cell group books.

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