Monthly Monitoring Report February 2024 Provincial Highlights Matebeleland South Manicaland Intimidation and violation of the right to freedom of assembly and association constituted the majority of recorded cases in the province. In ward 2 of Beitbridge West, ZANU PF activists identified as Amon Shoko and Chuchu Munemo threatened to unleash violence against members of the opposition party CCC, unless they join the ruling party. Shoko and Munemo were recorded saying that anyone found wearing regalia belonging to Nelson Chamisa shall be beaten. In ward 3 of Insiza South constituency, a ZANU PF activist Midress Khumalo intimidated citizens calling them to register as members under her party’s cell group or else face evictions from their homes. Khumalo was also reported to be forcing business operators to join ZANU PF or have their operators’ licenses revoked. In Manicaland, incidents associated with civil, political and socio-economic rights violations were recorded. In Chipinge Central, there were evictions, targeting villagers in Chipinge areas such as Mandere, Misty View and Boskrof. The victims were reportedly given verbal notices to vacate land on allegations that they were settled illegally. . In Muwidzembe village, Nyanga North, reports indicate that Chief Saunyama suspended headman Bhobho Mautsi on allegations that he was seen attending a CCC meeting. Mautsi was replaced by a ZANU PF activist identified as Landmine Madongonda. In Mashonaland, three cases of intimidation and a violation of the right to education Mashonaland Central were recorded. ZPP also recorded cases of abuse of government sponsored aid. In Mt Darwin West, a village head, Mr Chakoneka was accused of forging a beneficiary’s signature and collecting their farming inputs distributed under the Pfumvudza Scheme. In a case of violation of a right to education, Mvurwi Primary School head Mr Mubaira assigned a church associate to turn away pupils for not paying tuition fees. Reports indicate that Mr Mutizirwa is not a member of the School Development Committee (SDC) or associated with the school but is a member of the head’s church. The incident was reported on 16 February 2024. The Goromonzi Rural District Council (GRDC) reportedly demolished vendors' wares and informal trader properties at Goromonzi turn off in Ward 25, Goromonzi South. It Mashonaland East is said that a council bulldozer escorted by municipal and anti-riot police officers destroyed vendors' stalls and wares in full view of community members. The officers were spotted confiscating vendor’s wares inclusive of tomatoes, vegetables and fresh fruits. Vendors who confronted the riot police officers were reportedly assaulted and detained by the police. Villagers and farm owners in Murehwa North are facing evictions as Murewa Rural District Council (MRDC) plans to take over some land for urban planning. A ZANU PF activist Daniel Garwe and Mr Chinguware from the District Development Coordinator’s office reportedly threatened village heads not to resist the council’s plans to develop the areas into urban settlements. However there was no outline of due processes to be taken and how the villagers will be compensated. The meeting was held at Zihute Hall in Murehwa East. 8

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