Monthly Monitoring Report February 2024 ZANU PF gains majority in parliament after a series of by-elections On February 3, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission electoral processes. The ZPP noted incidents of (ZEC) held by-elections in six constituencies. The by- intimidation of voters during the February 3 elections, elections were meant to fill in vacant posts following such the recalls by Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Constituency. A ZANU PF affiliate group, Forever Interim Secretary General Sengezo Tshabangu. The Associate Zimbabwe (FAZ), and some unidentified recalled Members of Parliament are Amos Chibaya— ruling party supporters allegedly stormed the polling Mkoba station, intimidating voters, observers, and polling North, Willard Gift Siziba—Pelandaba-Tshabalala, Madzimbamuto—Seke, the case in Ruwa, Goromonzi South Mutasa— officials at the Ruwa Country Club polling station. Zvimba East, Admore Chivero—Chegutu West, and They reportedly demanded that the presiding officer Stephen Chagwiza—Goromonzi South. In the by- provide a list of every voter who had cast a ballot that elections, electoral day. In Chegutu Constituency, a civil servant (a female constituencies, increasing the party’s number of teacher) said that most teachers in Chegutu were elected seats in parliament to 150 elective National subjected to food aid denial on the basis that they Assembly thereby worked and were better able to fend for their families. majority (which is 140 She further recommended that the government ensure seats). ZPP recorded incidents of vote-buying in that non-political players such as NGOs be given the Chegutu West, violence in Seke, intimidation, and mandate to distribute government aid for purposes of harassment of citizens, resulting in a low turnout of accountability and transparency during distributions. In voters and pointing towards disenfranchisement and Matabeleland, voter apathy. Incidents of violence, among other North in the Midlands, there were no incidents notable electoral malpractices, continued to pose a reported; however, intimidation was rife during the major challenge for women, youth, and persons with electoral processes. ZANU seats PF out won of Nelson Chamisa surpassing the two-thirds Oliver as all the six 210 (6) there, Pelandaba-Tshabalala, and Mkoba disabilities to participate actively in political and Intra-party political violence in CCC factions Following the exit of Nelson Chamisa as the leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) in January, cases of intra-party political violence were witnessed within CCC. In February, ZPP recorded 3 cases of intraparty violence within the CCC party. In Bulawayo province, a CCC activist Albert Mhlanga assaulted a fellow member of the party following a heated argument about recalls and the role of Sengezo Tshabangu in the party. Mhlanga further threatened the victim with death saying he was prepared to do whatever was necessary to see the victim eliminated. In ward 2 of Bubi District, in Matabeleland North, Sibangani Dube and Jethro Ndiweni, both members of the CCC, engaged in a physical fight over the imposition of candidates and the differences on new party structures. In the fight, Dube sustained a knee injury. In another case recorded in the Midlands Province, Silvesta Munyoro of the CCC assaulted a male victim of the same party accusing the victim of attending a meeting with members of the Tshabangu affiliated faction. The victim sustained injuries and the matter was reported to the police. On 2 March, intra party violence also erupted in Nyatsime on Saturday, March 2, during the funeral proceedings of Moreblessing Ali, a Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist who was murdered by a ZANU PF member, Pius Jamba Mukandi in June 2022. Supporters who declared their allegiance to Nelson Chamisa refused to be addressed by Job Sikhala, whom they labeled a “sellout” resulting in some activists throwing missiles at Job Sikhala and shouting obscenities. Job Sikhala had been asked to address mourners by Ali’s family. The incident was reported to the police, and the family of Ali issued a statement condemning the disruptions and promised to take legal action. 6

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