M atabeleland South Matabeleland South experienced the greatest number of violations around political party contestations towards and during Heroes’ Day Celebrations. • A man from Matobo North who challenged the Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko’s speech at Maleme, narrated his ordeal at the hands of six men believed to be the VP’s aides. The man reported that he was interrogated and threatened with physical harm and handover to the CIO5. The man fled to Harare the following day fearing for his life. • On 10 August 2015, during Heroes’ Day celebrations at Guyu Institute in Gwanda Central, the head of Bethel Village Bayethe Noko belonging to MDC-T verbally assaulted a Zanu PF District chairperson, saying he would never vote for Zanu PF and that he, as the village head, would continue receiving food aid for the area. The victim did not respond to the insults and no report was made to the police. • On 19 August 2015, at Stamore village in Ward 14, Gwanda North, Councillor Nomazondo Malila of MDC-T negotiated with Dabane Trust, an NGO carrying out water and sanitation programmes, to provide pipes and equipment for drilling boreholes and for garden irrigation in the area. The deal negotiated by Malila is said to have been barred by Colleen Moyo, a VIDCO 6 chairperson and Zanu PF member quoted as saying that no such development would be allowed without the authorisation of the ruling party adding that he would not allow MDC-T led projects in the area. As a result the councillor’s initiative fell through. • On 18 August 2015, in Matshetshe Village, Umzingwane, Nicholas Ndlovu of the MDCT party is alleged to have threatened to assault the Zanu PF ward chairperson identified as Admire after accusing him of discrimination during Heroes’ Day celebrations. Ndlovu claimed he and others were denied food at the celebrations, yet every household had been made to pay US$1 each towards the celebrations. Admire reported to the police who intervened by counseling the two to live together in harmony. • Heroes’ Day celebrations scheduled for the 10 August 2015 in Gwanda North had to be cancelled a day before following a serious altercation between MDC-N’s councilor, Sikhula Ndlovu, and Zanu PF ward executive members led by Jeffery Nyoni. The conflict is said to have arisen over Ndlovu’s decision to pick Mtshazo Centre as a suitable venue for the celebrations. Nyoni and other Zanu PF supporters are believed to have been irked by Ndlovu’s assumption of authority in making such a decision, being a member of the opposition MDC-N Party. Nyoni then proceeded to express his preference of Sofa Business Centre for the Heroes’ Day celebrations. 5 Central Intelligence Organization, Village Development Committee- an elected grouping of residents in a village charged with the responsibility of coordinating development processes for the area. 6 22  

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