PF was allegedly harassed by one, Thulani Mhlanga on allegations that he still supported Shamu. He was told that there was no space for Shamu’s supporters. M asvingo Political intolerance was rife in the Masvingo province as indicated by a number of incidents including one, where political opponents are suspected to have set on fire the house of an MDC-T member. Other incidents in the province were around the collections and forced contribution of monies for Heroes’ Day celebrations. • On 24 August 2015, Philimon Magezani (Zanu PF) allegedly verbally assaulted a man of Chilonga Village, under Chief Chilonga in Chiredzi South accusing him of being a sell out. The perpetrator was angry when he saw the victim who is an MDC-T member mobilizing people in the village to attend a rally the following day. On the day in question, the victim was going around meeting people when he came across the perpetrator. Magezani said to him “Uri mutengesi (you are a sell out).” The victim seemed not bothered and continued with his activity. • On 9 August 2015, in Marozva Village, Chivi South, Bernard Mashawi and Tendai Chitate of Zanu PF are reported to have forced fifty villagers to pay US$5-00 each towards the Heroes’ Day celebrations. On the day of the function, 10 August 2015, the perpetrators harassed and forced two men to leave the venue of the function because of their close links with the ‘gamatox’. The victims demanded a refund of their donations but were threatened with physical assault if they continued to be seen milling around the place. • A man of Mupandawana Township, Gutu Central had his house set on fire by unknown arsonists on 23 August 2015. The victim is the MDC-T party chairperson and former Councillor for Ward 33. He has been instrumental in mobilising vendors to resist eviction from the streets until the council provides adequate vending shelter. On the day, the victim was away with friends only to be told at 9pm that his one roomed house was on fire. He lost property that included a bed and wardrobe. The matter was reported to the police but the perpetrators are yet to be apprehended. The arson attack is suspected to be politically motivated considering the mobilisation the victim has been making over the vendors issue. • Councillor of Ward 16, Munashe Pwanyai, a Zanu PF activist allegedly discriminated against other political parties’ activists when he called only Zanu PF members for a budget consultative meeting at Masunda South School on 4 August 2015. The meeting should have been for all people but the councillor chose kraal heads whom he knew were Zanu PF activists and denied those from other political parties a chance to contribute. • Scores of Zanu PF activists were allegedly threatened by Shakespear Magomana and Mugove Nhando and told not to attend the funeral of an MDC-T member's father in Matsveru Village in Ward 16. Hubert Pfidze, an MDC-T activist and the Mayor of Masvingo City's father passed away and was buried on 25 August 2015. Zanu PF supporters who attended the funeral did so in fear. 20  

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