Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Masvingo 28 November Right to Food Zanu PF Councillor, Munashe Pwanyai Musara,allegedly denied *Phillip Mwale, *Rodwell Mamhare and others access to food aid on the basis that they support MDC-T. During the registration process at Nyamakwe business centre, ward 16 in Chivi central only Zanu PF supporters got the nod. Right to Personal Dignity 30 November Right to Food Freedom of Association Mr Munganasa, Manyanga, Mrs Chiurawa and Mr Mafudza chased away Zim PF member *Leroy Chitanga from food distributions on accusations of sympathizing with Zim PF. Opposition party supporters went home empty handed while the Zanu PF leadership each received extra 5kg bags of rice. Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Midlands 24 November Right to Food The government initiative to avail seed and other inputs to farmers was compromised at Charandura business centre ward 8 Chirumanzu when William Gondo of Zanu PF allegedly gave known MDC-T supporters and other villagers a cupful of maize seed instead of the 10 kg bag to each. Gondo refused to entertain questions from farmers regarding this unfairness. 27 November Right to Food Zanu PF Councillor Parliament Gwebu allegedly discriminated against *Timothy Mahlangu as he denied him agricultural inputs at ward 23 in Silobela. The councillor was distributing 10kg bags of maize seed when he allegedly told Mahlangu that the seed was for Zanu PF supporters only. Freedom of Association 31

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