Most cases reported in the province were violations in terms of discrimination, freedom of association and the right to food. There was not much activity on the political front due to commencement of the farming season. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 4 November Right to Human Dignity One of the Matobo North village heads, Somandla Ndlovu, a known Zanu PF member is alleged to have chased away an MDC-T party supporter from a village meeting held at Silozwe Business Centre in Silozwane Village. The MDC-T supporter intended to make a contribution at the community meeting and Ndlovu scolded her saying he does not listen to silly politicians. Freedom of Expression Freedom of Association 4 November Right to Health Councilor Lawrence Maphosa of Ward 4 Insiza South moved a clinic site that had been agreed upon and pegged by the villagers at a central place at Ngaya Ward Centre to Mbondweni Business Centre. By virtue of not being central some of the villagers will be denied efficient access to the health center. This led to people from three other villages not participating in the construction as it will not benefit them. 5 November Freedom of Association Zanu PF youths disrupted an MDC-T rally held at Mahole Business Centre in ward 3, Insiza South. They disconnected electricity connected to the loud speakers and ordered workers at Cover shop not to connect electricity to the MDC-T loudspeakers and threatened to burn the shop should they ignore the order. They also closed the water taps in an attempt to inconvenience attendants. Freedom of Assembly 28 November As shops in Gwanda and Plumtree were refusing to accept bond notes, money changers were already capitalizing by changing in the streets giving people $80 for 100 bond notes. Midlands 21

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