18 November Freedom of Expression In the Bulawayo city centre Kholwani Sibanda, a Zanu PF supporter verbally insulted and threatened *Siboniso Mathe, a member of the MDC led by Professor Welshman Ncube accusing her of denigrating Zanu PF and the President when she passed complaints over school fees of war veterans’ children not being paid and the Zanu PF led government failing to run the country properly. 28 November Right to Information The introduction of bond notes in banks caused serious confusion, instability and resistance as the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe had not adequately informed citizens and the business cmmunity before introducing the surrency. Queues were very long and for those who managed to get their cash, in a combination of bond notes and dollars, the challenge was most major shops were refusing to accept the bond notes as legal tender. Such shops included OK, Choppies, Pick n Pay and Greens supermarkets. Figure 1: Bulawayo residents queue to access money at a local bank (image by ZPP) 11

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