Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Mashonaland West 2 November Right to Food Zanu PF chairperson for ward 21 in Chegutu West, Claude Nyandoro, accused ward 21 Zanu PF councilor, Majury Mtambo, of including opposition party supporters on the list of aid beneficiaries. Nyandoro threatened that if the councilor went ahead to use the list that had ZimPF members there would be chaos during the distribution at Branswick clinic. 11 November Right to Food Wadesango Nyatsambo, a Zanu PF youth coordinator harassed Councilor Philip Nhira at Manyewe Business Centre in Mhondoro Ngezi. Nyatsambo ordered Nhira to add Zanu PF supporters to the register of beneficiaries during a food distribution exercise. Nyatsambo threatened Nhira with unspecified action if he refused to add more people and this resulted in some deserving people who had walked long distances failing to get the maize. 15 November Right to Food Villagers from Mashuma 2 ward 17 under Chief Nyamhunga were forced to gather at Mashuma Business Centre for a meeting called by the Zanu PF District Chairperson, Morgan Masewe. Villagers were told that those who attended the meeting would be added to the list of agricultural input beneficiaries and those who did not would be deemed as opposition party supporters. Freedom of Association 15 November Right to Food Maize seed and fertilizers from the presidential inputs scheme that were meant for the elderly, widows and orphans was delivered in ward 22 and 23 in Zvimba South. Each affected household was meant to get a 10kg bag of seed maize and 50kg bag of fertilizer. It is alleged that Councillor Loveness Kumhunga of ward 22 and Richard Muganhiri of ward 23 changed the distribution criteria telling people to bring offer letters for them to get the aid. Those without offer letters were told that they would not get anything. To date the seed and fertilizer is yet to be distributed as it is suspected the two councilors wanted to divert the aid for resale. 28

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