Civil, political and socio-economic rights violations were the most commonly reported in the constituencies of this province. Opposition political parties undertook no major political meetings or activities, as political intolerance remains high. Political intolerance and food related violations dominated the incidents noted. Hwange, Lupane and Binga people were confused about how bond notes will work at a rate equivalent to the United States Dollar. Some traders and shops were refusing to accept the bond notes and service station operators were also sceptical. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 2 November Freedom of Association Binga South Council Chief Executive Officer, Joshua Muzamba, who is also a Zanu PF official barred a ward 17 Councilor from participating in the ward CAMPFIRE program. The campfire district manager leading the program said he had strict orders from Mr Muzamba not to include the MDC-T councilor in the program. Right to Human Dignity 7 November Freedom of Expression *Methembe Hlabangane had his mobile phone confiscated by Nkayi South Zanu PF Youth Chairperson, Nomagugu Ndlovu, after he played on whatsapp a video insulting the president. With the help of Zanu PF Vice Chairperson Chikonzero Manhende, Ndlovu took the victim to a police station intending to hand him over to a specific officer from the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO). The officer was not available and Ndlovu released Hlabangane after ordering him to attend the next Zanu PF meeting. 16 November Political Rights In ward 17, Kabuba village of Binga South, *Clayton Baloyi, a former member of Zanu PF was accused by two policemen identified as Dube, Chitemare and a local man Songoya, of defecting to Zim PF. Baloyi was threatened with unspecified action if he went on to join the opposition political party. Matabeleland South 20

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