APRIL2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS murder. The murder case was however entirely of a criminal nature and related to the shooting of a suspected robber. See diagram below: Breakdown of the cases recorded in April by Province Assault Coercion Discrimination Electoral malpractice Hate Speech Inter-Party squabble/viol. Intra-Party violence Gen. intimid. & harassment cases BVR intimid. & harassment cases Murder Unlawful detention Byo Hre * * Manica. **** * Mash Cent. ** **** * * * ***** ** * * * ***** ***** **** ***** **** Mash East Mash West ***** * *** * ** * Masv. Mat North Mat South * *** * **** ** * *** * ** ** * * * Midl. * * * 5 20 4 1 * 2 5 * **** 20 * **** 23 * 18 * 1 1 * 3 6 20 19 12 14 8 3 2 13 102 Perpetrators: ZanuPF remained the main culprit, accounting for 60.4 % of the violations. Its perpetrating agents included the party’s activists, members and leaders at provincial, district and lower levels; sitting and aspiring councillors; and sitting and aspiring members of parliament. Of note was the involvement of the traditional leaders, including chiefs, headmen and village heads, who were implicated in many cases of coercion, intimidation and harassment in favour of the ruling party. State agents, primarily Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) and Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) officers were also implicated mainly in cases of assault. In two cases, ZNA officers were implicated in public violence to avenge previous beatings of fellow officers in bar fights. In another case, ZNA officers allegedly assaulted a private citizen for failing to stop at a roadblock in time. Yet another case involved the harassment of local fishermen by ZNA officers in Kariba. As 4

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