APRIL2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Recorded Intra-Party Violations 2018 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Zanu PF MDC-T January February March April 21 intra party violations were recorded for April, the majority within the Zanu PF (15 cases) and 6 recorded for MDC-T Violence Across Provinces Mash. Central Mash. West Assault Mash. East Theft/looting Harare Discrimination Manicaland MDP Masvingo Unlawful Detention Intimidation /harassment Mat. North Displacement Mat. South Disrupted Political Mtg Byo Midlands 0 10 20 30 40 50 April recorded an increase in harassment and Intimidation to 138 recorded violations, followed by a slight decrease in assault to 23 violations, then theft/looting with 15, and a marked decrease in discrimination to 6. Manicaland had the highest recorded violations for April with 42, followed by Mashonaland Central with 35, and Midlands with 27. 7

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