#BYELECTION CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE It is unfortunate that in the run up to the 2018 elections, there were no recorded fatalities, but in 2018, ZPP recorded three deaths in Chegutu, Chaona, and in Kwekwe. On March 6, at Peak Stone mine in Chegutu, an artisanal miner was killed during a fight over gold ore. William Banda succumbed to knife wounds after his mining gang clashed with another group aligned to Zanu PF and is led by a man only identified as Baba Mishy or Kuda. In Mazowe North constituency, Mashonaland Central, a Zanu PF central committee member, John Nhamburo, allegedly deliberately ran over CCC activist Shelton Zongoro with his vehicle killing him on the spot. Zongoro was returning from casting his vote in Chaona. In Kwekwe, Mboneni Ncube succumbed to stab wounds after Zanu PF youths attacked a rally that Chamisa was addressing end of February. Many other activists suffered serious injuries. ZPP noted that the campaign trail turned nasty ahead of the March 26 by-elections as the police banned some rallies organised by the CCC party in Marondera, Gokwe and Binga under unclear circumstances. Across the provinces, ZPP recorded an increase in politically motivated human rights violations with mostly the CCC supporters being targeted by either state security agents or Zanu PF activists. The MDC Alliance, did not win a single parliamentary or council seat despite a hyped campaign, and the CCC and Zanu PF retained most of the seats, with Zanu PF snatching two constituencies – Epworth and Mutasa South that had been in the hands of the opposition. This pattern of results, has set the tone for more political tension and ZPP continues to record isolated incidents of people being targeted for having supported CCC in the run up to the election. In Dangamvura-Chikanga and Bindura North, losing Zanu PF candidates went around demanding back the mealiemeal they doled out to people during the campaign period while in Kwekwe, some vendors have been evicted from their stalls after Judith Tobaiwa of the CCC romped to victory in Kwekwe Central National Assembly election. At Chikurubi Maximum Prison in Harare East, prison wardens are being victimised after Tendai Biti of the CCC got more votes than his losing rival, Mavis Gumbo in votes cast in the camp polling station. With the 2023 elections less than 18 months away, the campaign period has continued post byelections as Zanu PF and CCC get down to consolidate their support based on how they fared on March 26. As ZPP had predicted, the March 26 elections are proving to be the litmus test for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and political parties. For ZEC, the allegations that the voters roll was tampered with and high number of voters being turned away with up to 25 people at some polling stations indeed prove that the electoral body needs to be more transparent and efficient in managing the roll. The allegations that ZEC denied access to the voters roll to the CCC and provided one with pictures and all the biometrics to Zanu PF shows how the electoral body is not impartial and ahead of 2023, there is need for the organisation to treat all political parties equally. The reports that ZPP captured of ZEC officers training only Zanu PF polling agents for the first two days of training polling agents in Mwenezi are an indictment on the electoral body. In two incidents, in Kadoma and Mutare, Zanu PF activists were singing party songs near polling stations and nothing happened to them, exposing the partisan nature of the police who did not make the necessary arrests. In Mutare Central, Zanu PF supporters and their candidates were milling near polling stations wearing Zanu PF regalia chanting party slogans, a day before the March 26 elections. One Bepete a Mutare Central Ward 4 Zanu PF candidate and one Mudembe a Zanu PF member for Mutare Central Ward 5, allegedly ganged up and went around all polling stations threatening to destroy ballot boxes in the presence of police officers. In Kadoma as well on election day eve, Zanu PF supporters were singing all night as they went around polling stations the Ward 13 where a council election was due to be held.

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