#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK Headman Nyange, born Boas Zevezai Gomba a known Zanu PF member and father to the 26 March 2022 by-election Zanu PF council candidate for ward 21 Court Zevezai reportedly stripped Danda Gundidza (75) who is a CCC member of his yellow t-shirt. The headman met Danda on his way to a CCC meeting. The headman stopped his lorry, grabbed the victim and forcibly stripped him. A police report was made, but no arrests were made. On 21 March 2022, at Negari Primary School, in Ward 2, Mwenezi district in Masvingo a Presiding officer identified as Mrs A. Moyo was training Polling Officers and only Zanu PF polling agents were allowed into the training. When villagers queried why this was so, Moyo, who had run the training for two days while barring CCC polling agents, then gave in and allowed every other political party representative into the meeting. Midlands On 7 March the ward 28 councilor in Gokwe Kabuyuni, Matsika Mabhande, went to Matunguru Primary. He was accompanied by a delegation of Zanu PF members namely Mai Chinhurume of Shamumhuyenhazva village, Mai Mazarire of Copper village, traditional village heads namely Mr Maware, Mr Nzombe and Mr Kashiri. They were also accompanied by the SDC members comprising of Mr Kashiri (chairperson), Mrs Mareya. The social welfare department was also there represented by a Mr Madhuyu and Mr Ngwenya. On arrival they demanded to hold a meeting with all teachers. They accused three members of the staff of participating in active opposition politics. They accused one teacher of showing learners footage from CCC rallies on his mobile phone. They threatened the teachers with unspecified action. On 9 March 2022 another delegation came again to the school in a Zanu PF vehicle full of people. The delegation was now led by the MP Leonard Chikomba other Zanu PF members were councilor Matsika Mabhande, Muguti (computer technician at Madzivazvido clinic), a villager known as Mandima, Zanu PF Youth leader Bura Magumbezi, Masikwiti councilor and others. When they approached the school gates, they started to sing Zanu PF songs "pano paita mutengesi (there is a sell-out here!)". They were later silenced by the MP. They then proceeded to the school head’s office where they accused him of harbouring teachers who supported the CCC. They told the headmaster that they came with the intention of evicting the three teachers. On 11 March they held a meeting at Cooper Business Centre. The meeting had the youth and all Zanu PF members including the councillors and MPs. One of the agenda items at the meeting was to list down names of teachers who allegedly participated in politics. All staff members at Matunguru primary which has about 25 teachers were listed as opposition members who should be dealt with together with other civil servants in the Agritex and health departments. At the meeting, the MP publicly instructed the youth chair to repeat what happened in 2008. In 2008, after losing to the then MDC-T, Zanu PF unleashed an orgy of violence that left over 200 dead and thousands injured.

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