PROVINCIAL HIGHLIGHTS JANUARY 2025 FEBRUARY 2025 30 25 20 15 10 5 M an ic al an M d as h C en tr al M as h Ea st M as h W es t M as vi ng o M at N or th M at So ut h M id la nd s Ha ra re Bu la w ay o 0 Mashonaland West In Mashonaland West, ZPP documented 16 human rights violations involving a breach of the rights to equality and non-discrimination during food aid distributions, and freedom of assembly and association. In Hurungwe West for example, village heads, allegedly aligned with ZANU PF, are conducting meetings disguised as food aid distributions. These meetings feature ZANU PF district chairpersons and F.A.Z members promoting the 2030 campaign agenda, forcing villagers to chant slogans and denounce opponents as sellouts. Villagers are being intimidated, with threats of removal from food aid and pfumvudza beneficiary lists if they oppose the agenda. In other incidents, village heads used their positions to gather people for ZANU PF's political gain. There were incidents of politicisation of food aid where in Kariba government sponsored donation of rice to Kariba was distributed through the mayoral office, however, the distribution process was marred by partisanship, as Ward 12, a peri-urban area led by ZANU PF, was excluded from receiving rice. The reason cited was that the distribution was led by Mrs. Mary Chibi, a CCC councilor, who allegedly excluded the ward represented by Councilor Mr. Makanyaire, a ZANU PF member. This incident highlights the politicization of food aid, where support is withheld from areas perceived to be opposition strongholds. 8

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