PROVINCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Matabeleland South Mashonaland East In Mashonaland East, 6 human rights violations were In Matabeleland South, a disturbing trend of documented, a drop from 14 the previous month, with partisan-based food aid distribution has been notable incidents of political discrimination in food noted, aid distributions and violations of freedom of violations, including a case in Bulilima West ward assembly and incident 20 occurred in involving excluded from food aid distribution for their corruption records against Councillor Garwe and alleged affiliation to opposition political parties. ZANU PF district chairperson Elias Svowa. Community This blatant disregard for vulnerable populations' members were forced to bring new sacks for food rights has severe consequences, exacerbating packaging and pay $1 per sack for transportation, hunger and malnutrition, undermining the right to highlighting corruption and exploitation of vulnerable equality, communities, abuse of power, and violation of human perpetuating rights, specifically the right to food and non- address these violations, it is essential to ensure discrimination. This incident exacerbates poverty, transparent and fair food aid distribution based erodes trust in institutions, and perpetuates inequality, on emphasizing strengthen association. ward the 16 need A notable Chamapango, to hold perpetrators with where 13 400 eroding need, documented community trust poverty hold in and institutions, vulnerability. To accountable, independence, discrimination, guaranteeing all citizens access to accountability and and and and equality and promote institutions to were accountable, ensure transparent food aid distribution, strengthen right rights members perpetrators institutions' the human non- mechanisms. essential resources regardless of their political Conclusion affiliation. As noted in the report, the human rights situation in Zimbabwe is concerning, with 117 documented violations in February alone, affecting 7,292 people. The perpetrators are mostly linked to the ruling party, local authorities, and traditional leaders. To improve this dire situation, ZPP recommends to the government and the judiciary to uphold the rule of law and protect human rights and for the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission to ensure effective mechanisms for investigating and prosecuting human rights abuses. In the same light, ZPP further encourages the ZHRC to collaborate with stakeholders to review and reform laws that restrict freedom of expression, assembly, and association. 9

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