Total demonstrated at Connolly farm against the latest invasion by Ray Ndhlukula of Zanu PF. The demonstrators staged their demo in the morning and dispersed at around 10am. The police were not called nor were there arrests thereafter. The demonstrators wanted Ndhlukula to leave the farm. Ø 11 August 2014 - At Gonkwe village ward 6 in Gwanda North constituency, 3 Zanu PF members visited the Councillor for ward 6 (name supplied) of the MDC demanding that he change the venue for the Heroes celebrations. The 3 are Samson Ndlovu, Japhet Ndlovu, Collen Nyoni. They wanted the Councillor to move the venue from Mtshazo to Sigodo business centre but he refused and they ended up threatening him reminding him that they are the ones ruling the country and they would do anything they wanted. Sikula phoned the police and they responded by saying they could not react to a threat but advised him to be alert and also seek support from neighbours. Bulawayo recorded 12 cases of politically motivated violations during the August period one case down from the 13 reported in July. Ø 16 August 2014 - Luveve – A 30 year old a member of MDC-T Renewal Team was arrested and unlawfully detained at Luveve Police Station after Mr Kidwell Mujuru of the MDC-T made a false report that the victim had threatened him and was later released after three hours . Ø 17 August 2014 - Pumula - Some suspected members of Zanu PF who were in company of Nickson Magarinya assaulted the victim (name supplied) by kicking him all over his body after he declined to chant Zanu PF slogans as they were marching towards Methodist village near Dr Dumiso Dabengwa’s farm. The perpetrators were wearing their party regalia when the incident occurred. Ø 24 August 2014 – the victim (name supplied) of the MDC-T and Chairperson of Bulawayo Progressive Residents Association ward 14 was assaulted by some suspected Zanu PF youths following a residents meeting .The meeting was held at Lobengula Hall and its main purpose was to discuss issues pertaining to transport within ward 14 of Lobengula Suburb. 4 Right to personal integrity and human dignity 6 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 5 Discrimination Total Right to food, aid and livelihood 1 12 Bulawayo Assault Total 196 9

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