Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault Displacement Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property Rights 13 3 4 4 24 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 14 Discrimination Theft/Looting Disrupted Political Mtg Assault Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Property Rights Freedom of Assembly Right to personal integrity and human dignity 3 2 1 2 22 Masvingo Mash West Total The province witnessed 24 cases of human rights violations a decline from the 30 reported in July 2014. The province reported gross human rights violations with a Banket couple severely assaulted by unknown assailants over land wrangles. Ø The victim (name supplied) of Maumbe Township in Hurungwe Central commented that there is something wrong with a tree that has dry leaves during a ZIMCET workshop on human rights. A day after the workshop on 30 August, the victim was picked by police who accused him of insulting the President. He was released the same day but told that members of the Criminal Investigation Department would visit him from Chinhoyi. The person’s rights as an arrested or detained person were violated as they was no legal basis to arrest him and he was not brought before the courts as the Constitution in Section 50 stipulates on the Rights of arrested people. Ø The victims (names supplied) were severely attacked on the night of 18 August at their Marere farm in Banket by unknown assailants. The attackers did not steal anything although the attack was severe especially for the husband who was attacked on the head. The couple own a farm which is a game park .Two chiefs Nyamangara and Zvimba have been trying to wrestle the farm from them against government declaration to let the game park remain with the original owners. In April Zanu PF leaders forced their way in to shoot animals they claimed to be for independence celebrations. The situation in the province is relatively calm. The incidents recorded include threats of violence, harassment and intimidation. The twenty nine arrested Chingwizi Camp residents are still on remand waiting for the cases to be heard in the courts. There were reports of ZANU PF factionalism rearing its ugly head in the political structures. Ø 10 August 2014- In Hamandishe Village in Gutu North two Zanu PF youths fought over their different political opinions over the leadership factionalism. Ø 10 August 2014- In Chiredzi West in Ward 3 and 4, Zanu PF councillor Francis Moyo who was distributing mosquito nets from the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare denied an MDC-T activist a mosquito net, accusing him of having decampaigned him during the last election and for belonging to an opposition party. Ø 29 August 2014- An MDCT activist appeared before the Masvingo court and was further remanded to the second week of September 2014 on allegations of possessing a gun. The victim was abducted by war veterans and handed over to the police last year in the run up to the July 2013 elections in which he was the campaign manager for the losing former MDC-T MP. The victim was acquitted by the courts and he believes the fresh case is a continued victimisation because of his political affiliation. 7

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