Right to personal integrity and human dignity 21 Discrimination Assault Theft/Lootiong Malicious Damage to Property Displacement Disrupted Political Mtg Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to liberty and security of person Property rights Property rights 7 2 1 4 Right to Shelter and l livelihood Freedom of Assembly 2 1 38 Harassment/Intimidation Theft/Looting Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property Rights 10 1 11 Harare Masvingo Harassment/Intimidation chain by Jowett Matambo and Bibie Zaburoni of Zanu PF because he had an MDCT card and regalia. He was forcibly undressed and had the card and regalia burnt. Ø 27July 2014- One of the few remaining white farmers in the province was ordered to move from his Mare Farm in ward 22 in Chegutu East. There was speculation that the farm would be occupied by a soldier whose name has not been revealed or by the Mhondoro Mubaira legislator Sylvester Nguni. The evicted farmer’s property is safeguarded by police and his cattle were ferried to Gondo farm. In another case, another white farmer at Doonside in Mutorashanga has finally been told to vacate the farm by Themba Mliswa and headman Kamuti. The evicted farmer who was doing well and employed about 400 people has been resisting eviction since June despite the threats from A1 farm neighbours and headman Kamuti to remove him by force. Violations continued to rise in the province in comparison to the last three months due to increased farm invasions with black owned properties being targeted. The invasions reported were said to be violent including arson and beatings. There were also reports of soldiers wantonly beating up civilians at Mupandawana town centre in Gutu on two consecutive days. Intra party conflicts in both Zanu PF and MDC T were also prevalent as the politicians continued to jostle for power ahead of their parties’ respective congresses later in the year. 15 July 2014 - At Sitemere Farm in Masvingo North suspected war veterans tried to evict the owner illegally and when the owner resisted the move, they burnt down the homestead. The victim escaped unhurt after a few beatings and the case was reported to the police. 23 July 2014 A group of soldiers allegedly from the nearby Nerupiri Barracks in Gutu Central unexplainably went on an assaulting spree beating up people at Mupandawana town centre. Several people were reportedly assaulted and others injured though no arrests of the perpetrators were made. People at the Centre are now living in constant fear as the soldiers are also said to occasionally march and jog through the Centre singing Chimurenga songs denouncing any party opposed to Zanu PF. 30- 31 July 2014 Serious clashes erupted at Chingwizi transit camp between Tokwe Mukorsi flood victims and the police resulting in the burning of two police vehicles and the arrest of dozens of the residents. The case is before the courts and has since been verified by the ZPP Provincial Coordinator who will continue monitoring the court process and further developments at the camp. During the month of July there was peace in most of the constituencies in Harare province, except for a few cases of harassment and intimidation reported especially, during Zanu PF’s new electronic cards registration. During this process people are forced to pay two ($2) dollars as electronic registration fee. In some instances Zanu PF activists who were mobilizing people to register would lie to people that the card would serve as a 8

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