PROVINCE ACTS OF VIOLATIONS HR MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 12 3 15 Incidents of harassment, threats of physical violence and intimidation of people perceived to belong to the opposition parties topped the list of violations for the month of July and major perpetrators are Zanu PF activists. Intra-party squabbles were reported in both MDC-T and Zanu PF parties. In Zanu PF the conflict is between members allegedly supporting Honourable Emmerson Mnangagwa and those supporting Vice President Joice Mujuru. The Mnangagwa faction is reportedly by Oppah Muchinguri and Chris Mutsvengwa while the other faction is led by Didymus Mutasa in Manicaland province. Ø 26 July 2014- In Mutare Central at Moffat Hall MP Joseph Chinotimba and members of his Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions (ZFTU) had a meeting with a group of about sixty workers of the Mutare City Council. In his address MP Chinotimba told workers that the council was failing to pay them because of the MDC-T councillors and the Town Clerk. He then promised to physically deal with Municipal official and MP (names supplied). This was direct incitement to violence. Ø In Buhera West Mukambirwa Village, Ward 3 an MDC-T activist who had been elected Chairperson of Gwebu Primary School Development Committee (SDC) was forced to vacate his post by Zanu PF leaders Claudious Mhike and Joyce Parwaringira. The two perpetrators ordered the headmaster to call for an emergency meeting to choose a chairperson who belongs to Zanu PF as they could not continue to let MDC -T members lead the school. Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Unlawful Detention Displacement Disrupted Political Mtg Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to Liberty & Security of Person Right to Shelter & Livelihood Freedom of Assembly 46 8 10 1 1 1 67 The province witnessed a rise in intra-party violence especially in Zanu PF as members jostled for party positions within the structures in preparation for the Congress scheduled for the end of year. There was an incident where the Kwekwe Central MP Matambanadzo exchanged blows with Gokwe-Kana MP Owen Ncube over petty squabbles and yet the underlying issue was related to the jostling and posturing within the party structures. The province also witnessed a lot of harassments during the month of July mostly perpetrated by the ruling party supporters known to members of the opposition or suspected supporters of the opposition MDC-T. Ø 2 July 2014- In Silobela at Village 3 Lungani B, Langton Farm Ward 24, and an MDC-T supporter was chased away from Wind Mill Business Centre by members of Zanu PF Obert Ndlovu and Key Hlabangani. M`tengwa who accused him of Midlands Manicaland HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED # OF ACTS INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS 5

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