Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to Shelter and livelihood Freedom of Assembly 1 1 1 3 Assault Discrimination Harassment/Intimidation Total Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity 3 1 9 13 Bulawayo Mat South Discrimination Displacement Disrupted Political Mtg Total programmes in the area if she did not join Zanu PF. The perpetrator is alleged to have further threatened the victim by telling her that if her name was not in the Zanu PF data base her life would be in danger. Due to the upcoming party congresses towards the end of the year, political parties particularly Zanu PF have been busy organising themselves for the youth and women’s leagues meetings. Although the province recorded a general calm atmosphere, there were sporadic incidents of harassment and discrimination. Ø 1July 2014- In Bulilima East, at Watershed it is alleged that there was unfair distribution of stands under the A1 Scheme at the offices of Ministry of Lands. Youths from the Zanu PF party were the only ones who benefitted from the scheme. Most the youths who benefitted are said to have parents who are war veterans who also benefitted from such an exercise in 2000 when this village was initially resettled. Ø 7July 2014- A 44 year old woman who is an MDC-T supporter from Wabayi Village, Ward 6 was told to vacate her home by the kraal head Mehluli Ndlovu who is Zanu PF activist. The victim was accused of not respecting leadership and is being misled by her party. Bulawayo continues to experience a relatively calm political environment with a few incidents of intra-party violence within the MDC-T party. Sporadic incidents of intimidation, assault and discrimination were also documented during the period under review. Ø 6th July 2014 - A former MDC-T youth who joined the renewal team led by Tendai Biti was man handled by Bigboy Matamisa who accused him of distributing fliers which were urging people to attend an MDC-T Renewal Team meeting that was scheduled to be held at the Stanley Square in Makokoba. The incident occurred near Mahatshula Sports Bar. Ø 10 July 2014- Suspected MDC-T members were embroiled in a fight over a fund which the group used to contribute toward as a club before the break-away group led by Tendai Biti. The rift in the party was the major cause of conflict within the club. Two of the victims were assaulted by suspected MDC-T members identified as Victor Ncube, Carlos Mabhena and Chenai Gumbi all of Entumbane / Emakhandeni Constituency when they demanded their contributions back. Ø 15 July 2014- An MDC-T member was assaulted by some suspected members of the same party accused of leaking valuable and sensitive information to members of Zanu PF. The incident happened after the victim had attended a party meeting which was held at Lobengula West suburb. Linda Ndlovu and Amanda Ntini both of Lobengula West suburb slapped the victim all over her face but she did not sustain any injuries. 10

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