Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person 2 1 3 Mat North Harassment/Intimidation Assault Total National Identity card as well as a passport, in order to lure voters to register as Zanu PF party cadres. In the same period under review, Zanu PF party was busy organizing for the Youth and Women’s’ League conferences and that was characterized by a lot of canvassing and jostling for party positions. Ø 6 July 2014 –Vendors and their customers at Mbare Musika, Mupedzanhamo and Siya-so were forced to close their markets and attend the burial of Zanu PF national hero a former army Brigadier General Eliah Bandama, this also affected church members who attend church at Stodart hall as the deceased’ body was lying in state at the hall for body viewing. Ø 10 July2014 –At Chitungwiza Municipality Head Office, Chitungwiza Municipality workers were on strike over non- payment of their salaries for over fourteen months, They were harassed and intimidated by Zanu PF youths who were urging the municipality to fire the striking workers and replace them. Ø 18 July2014–In Unit K, Chitungwiza South vendors were harassed and intimidated by Zanu PF youths who were moving around mobilizing people to go and register as Zanu PF members through their new electronic registration after paying two dollars to register. Those who failed to register were threatened with eviction and heavy beatings The province was generally calm with a few incidents of violations recorded. However what is disturbing is that there is a notable rise of perpetrators among top public officers such as District Administrators. Ø 1 July 2014- At the District Administrator’s office in Lupane, Lupane West constituency, the DA Christopher Chuma allegedly harassed and discriminated against headman Sikhumbuzo Moyo from getting his allowances. It is alleged that the perpetrator did this to vex the victim for his late father’s non political stance during his reign as headman. It is reported that the victim has been a subject for harassment especially by the DA since he took over from his late father. Ø 20 July 2014- In villages 1 to 4, ward 18 and 2, Nkayi North constituency, Zanu PF ward chairperson Sikhulu Witness Ndlovu and other Zanu PF members are reported to have harassed and intimidated villagers particularly those supporting the MDC-T and MDC. It is alleged that the perpetrators were forcing the rival political supporters to contribute a gallon of maize grain plus $2-00 per homestead for the Heroes Day celebrations. It is alleged that the villagers were threatened with being sidelined from benefiting from other programmes such as grain allocation and farming input distribution. Ø 22 July 2014-In ward 29, Nkayi Growth point, Nkayi South constituency, an MDCT supporter was harassed, intimidated and forced to join Zanu PF by Perpertua Bhidi of Zanu PF. The perpetrator is reported to have further harassed and intimidated the victim by telling her that she was not going to benefit from any development 9

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