Displacement Total Right to Shelter and livelihood 3 21 Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault Theft/Lootiong Unlawful Detention Displacement Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to liberty and security of person Property rights Right to Liberty & Security of Persons Right to Shelter & Livelihood 16 10 1 1 1 1 30 Mash West Total members. Zanu PF people who were manipulated by party big wigs during the 2013 elections in a vote buying gimmick and were allocated land as rewards were evicted in Goromonzi South. There were cases whereby individuals were harassed for being affiliated to a particular party which indicates high levels of political intolerance. In Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe members of Ruponeso Apostolic Faith were told to denounce MDC-T in favour of Zanu PF to remain as church members at Kagonde village. Ø 10July 2014- In Mudzi West Constituency, headman Nyazihunda called villagers to a meeting at Kachimana Primary. The villagers who turned up for the meeting assumed that it was a development meeting only to find that Ruvimbo Chikati the secretary for MP Aquiline Katsande was telling people to pay $1for Zanu PF data forms and were also required to have a photograph. One of the participants questioned why people had to pay for the forms instead of getting them for free. Chikati’s response indicated that the MP would deal with enemies such as the one questioning the process. Ø 23July 2014- In Bangira village in Seke Constituency Ishmael and William Chikambi of Zanu PF called villagers to a meeting to mobilize for the eviction of a 60 year old victim because of his affiliation to MDC-T party. Most of the villagers disagreed with the idea. The two went on to campaign for support from the councillor, District Administrator and senior party members. A threat of eviction still hangs over the victim and his family. He is living in fear and is failing to plan for the future although he has support from the MDC-T supporters. Violations linked to the issues of land took centre stage in the month of July in Mashonaland West province. The cases of eviction were politically motivated and the perpetrators are well known Zanu PF supporters. The victims included both black and white farmers. The white farmers were dispossessed of their land on the pretext that all land should be owned by blacks. The black farmers who lost their land were being accused of belonging to the wrong political party. The launch of A1 permits benefited a lot of people in Mashonaland West but some people in Zvimba district were denied the permits because they were associated with MDC-T. Generally the operating environment was calm save for a few cases of harassment and intimidation as well as cases of intra-party conflict within MDC-T in Chegutu and Zanu PF in Hurungwe West and Hurungwe North. Ø 16 July 2014-MDC-T farmers in ward 34 in Zvimba district are being denied the right to renew 99 year leases. The victims were told by the councillor of Ward 34 to find somewhere to go as they lost their plots to Zanu PF youths. The same councillor has been going around telling people that MDC-T members have no place in the area and should leave before they lose everything. Ø 17 July 2014- An MDC-T supporter was beaten up with a knobkerrie and a bicycle 7

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