ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT JULY 2021 2.3 Zanu PF Mobilising & Polad vehicles The handing out of vehicles worth over a million dollars to minor political players under the Political Actors Dialogue (Polad) platform is just another failure by the Office of the President, which is responsible for the public funds used, to prioritise critical social service areas that are in genuine need of investment. Somewhere in this report, we have a table that shows what a million US dollars can do to support some of Zimbabwe’s critical sectors. We also note with concern the rise in inter-party and intra-party violence in ZanuPF, MDC Alliance, MDC-T, Zapu and Mthwakazi Republic Party. In the jostling for power, it is always the citizens that are at the receiving end of it and as history has shown, politicians tend to want to use ordinary supporters to fight each other to further selfish political interests. ZPP, therefore urges that these findings act as a clear early warning mechanism that it goes beyond collection of citizens’ personal details, threats or discrimination during food aid processes. We urge for collective civil society action to advocate for a peaceful and level playing political field within a culture of human rights. We also call on political parties to have internal codes of conducts to deal with politically motivated violence. To the police, your work is cut out for you, and that is to impartially deal with any criminal conduct that happens during political campaigns. 8

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