3.2 Recommendations While government has produced information on COVID19 cases and vaccination on a regular basis, it has fallen far short in terms of publicizing details of the distribution of the vaccine and the institutions where vaccination is taking place. This has left citizens with no information on where to get the vaccine and because there is a strict limit on the number of people getting vaccinated, the process becomes tedious for Zimbabweans, whose main occupation is informal work. Of the 20 people that ZPP spoke to, 16 said they did not get adequate information on the process and they had experienced extreme difficulties to get the first jab. “I went for the first time in the afternoon and I was only told that they had already taken the number they needed for the day. So, the next day, I had joined the queue by 4 am and I was number 89. I only got the jab midday and I feel something should be done to make the process less difficult and discouraging especially considering that by gathering in the queues, people find themselves getting exposed to COVID-19,” a Highfield resident. ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT JULY 2021 ZPP has documented cases where healthcare workers are demanding bribes from vaccine-seeking citizens as the demand grows and it is only when government ensures there is an adequate supply that this can come to an end. In light of this, ZPP strongly recommends that government use all available information strategies and not simply heavily rely on state media platforms as these may not have an adequate audience. Government should use innovative methods, not just to encourage people to get vaccinated, but to let them know where they can get the vaccine upon deciding to get the jab. Government can enroll the services of celebrities and create local ambassadors to share information on vaccination and the centres. Government can also use algorithms to send SMSes to citizens in particular areas on where they can get the vaccine. Additionally, there should be efforts to install posters in local shops on where the vaccine is available. One private medical aid organization is facilitating the process by having its members and others interested register online. The process eases the time people have to wait in queues and also reduces the likelihood of those in queues contracting the virus. 17

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