2.2 ZanuPF Mobilising “We have all your details so if you vote otherwise, we will find out” ZanuPF dominated political activity in eight of the ten provinces and the party, which is on a mass mobilization exercise, was responsible for coercing citizens to be part of its low level structures across the country. The party has openly announced that it is creating a register of ‘party supporters’. Observations by ZPP show that the party is using its access to the food aid distribution chain to coerce citizens to join or be left out of the food aid distribution. The party is also going door to door collecting information such as mobile phone numbers, ID numbers and election registration numbers. As has become the norm, the party is also using traditional leaders to threaten villagers and this was quite prevalent in Matabeleland North and Mashonaland East. ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT JULY 2021 What does this mean? A look back at previous elections shows that mainly in rural areas, there is a systematic infusion of a culture of fear such that by 2023, many will not be able to openly express themselves politically. This is also a system that leads to a situation where traditional leaders and local Zanu PF leaders have a list of all the people in villages and they ‘escort’ people to polling stations under strict instructions that everyone is supposed to vote for ZanuPF. “We have all your details so if you vote otherwise, we will find out,” that is a phrase that has been used in previous elections and with where things are going, we are back to that again. In addition to this, by collecting details like mobile phone numbers of people in urban areas, ZanuPF can use this as a useful database to even access people via SMSes as happened in the 2018 election. Discrimination at food aid points and handing out of items by ZanuPF officials can in a subtle way, be a form of vote-buying as many of these beneficiaries are so vulnerable and living in poverty that food can act as a 7 political tool.

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