OUR RECOMENDATIONS In light of the developing situation ZPP makes the following observations and recommendations. Parliament should institute a pre-electoral dialogue that leads to a pact, where all electoral malpractices are dealt with well in time before elections. This is based on the precedence set when Zanu PF and MDC-T worked on operationalizing SADC guidelines on elections in 2007 and this led to one of Zimbabwe’s most open elections in March 2008. Regrettably, the country regressed soon after the elections and considering the current events, there is need to revisit that commitment by both political parties to ensure that Zimbabwe does not have a repeat of the 2008 electoral violence. Never again should Zimbabweans be subjected to killings, torture, assault, harassment and displacement for political reasons and the onus is on the current elected representatives to make sure this does not happen and ZPP continues to appeal to each of their consciences. One more time, ZPP strongly recommends that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), through its Multi-Party Liaison Committee, strengthens its ability to hold political parties to account without fear or favour. ZPP also urges SADC to use its mandate to proactively prevent the recurrence of political repression. Through its relevant arms, the regional body should engage the Zimbabwean authorities and political parties to get a guarantee that the 2023 elections are going to be free, fair and peaceful and that they will allow the free expression of every Zimbabwean. 5

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