WHERE ARE YOU? Moreblessing Ali More than a week after being reported to have been abducted by Zanu PF activists in Chitungwiza, CCC activist Moreblessing is still missing. This is happening as her missing person docket allegedly went missing and the family is living in fear, unable to confront those responsible because of the positions they hold in the ruling party. The Chisango family is alleged to be behind the abduction and police have since issued a statement which downplays the abduction while the CCC has called out the police to act within their mandate as espoused in Section 219 of the Constitution, which implores the police to ensure the safety of every person. According to information available, Ali was abducted on Tuesday 24 May when a mob of Zanu PF supporters attacked her in the Nyatsimbe area of Chitungwiza and bundled her into an unidentified vehicle. The supporters are said to have been allegedly led by one Pius Jambo, a Zanu PF member and his half-brother Simba Chisango who is a Zanu PF leader in the area from which she disappeared. #BRINGBACKMOBY CLICK HERE OR THE AUDIO ICON TO LISTEN TO a Zanu PF official announcing banning the issuance of National IDs to young people who do not have a letter of declaration from Zanu PF 4

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