· · Hundreds of workers at Hwange Colliery have gone for eighteen months without a salary and now the company has given them notice to vacate company houses by 30 September 2015 for failing to pay rentals. Their children are no longer going to school because of lack of school fees and can no longer access health services for lack of funds. The workers are now divided into two groups on political lines as those who are members of Zanu PF are lobbying their party to intervene on their behalf and saying non-members have to join Zanu PF if they also want to be helped. On 9 July in Hwange East, Simon Nkomazana aged 45 years of Zanu PF accused two residents who have no known political affiliations of belonging to MDC-T and ordered them to buy Zanu PF cards if they were to be included in future food aid schemes and development programmes. The two promised to comply as their families were surviving on one meal per day. Matebeleland South The province is ravaged by hunger and some politicians are exploiting people to join their political parties, especially Zanu PF. Cases of discrimination and intimidation are therefore prevalent. In the Matobo district where there are game parks and wildlife farms several Zanu PF and government officials are reportedly targeting another takeover following the community’s successful resistance of the invasion of Maleme Ranch three months ago. · One of the plot owners in Matobo, who is a neighbor to Lushongwe Ranch owned by Mr. Pieter Niewoudt reported that local Zanu PF MP Never Khanye is allegedly trying to take over Lushongwe farm from Mr. Niewoudt. Previously the farm was gazetted for resettlement but was removed from the list after it was disclosed that Pieter was a member of the Zanu PF youth league. Now MP Khanye is targeting takeover of the farm. Midlands The exercise to remove vendors from the streets and many undesignated points has been met with resistance. In Midlands, all major towns such as Kwekwe, Gweru and Zvishavane are making frantic efforts to have the vendors relocated. The July 17 Supreme Court judgment on employment termination had its toll on industries in Midlands with Bata Shoe Company in Gweru laying off more than 100 workers. Both MDC-T and the Renewal Team have been conducting consultative meetings in Gweru with MDC T President Morgan Tsvangirai having held one on 10 July at Midlands Hotel while MDC Renewal’s Tendai Biti was in Gweru on 22 July. · On 03 July Zanu PF members that included Councilors Simon Mucheza (Ward 5), Jane Marongwe (Ward 1) and Michael Tupe approached cotton companies at Gokwe Centre and demanded that all MDC T supporters must not be employed as seasonal workers. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS Bulawayo 11

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