Recommendations The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, which is mandated to protect, promote and ensure observance of human rights and freedoms in Zimbabwe, should direct the CommissionerGeneral of Police to investigate the cases of arson and hold the perpetrators accountable. Criminalising the work of Civil Society: ZESN and ERC Raids Towards the close of polling day, members of the police and central intelligence units raided Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) satellite offices in the Grange and confiscated laptops, cellphones and information gadgets accusing them of conducting parallel vote tabulation. More than 40 human rights defenders from ZESN and the Election Resource Centre (ERC) were arrested while some went into hiding following the crackdown. Reports confirm that the accused persons were denied access to lawyers by state security agents. The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum was also visited by members of the central intelligence organisation in coordination with the police law and order department, a move by the state to criminalise the work of civil society organisations. Page 5

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