Matabeleland North Province Traditional leaders were reported as major perpetrators of human rights violations as they continued to campaign and further the agenda of the ruling party. In Saba village, ward 9 of Binga North, it was recorded that Chief Saba, whose legal name is Charles Mudenda, instructed all ward 9 village heads under his jurisdiction to monitor and disrupt any activity carried out by the main opposition, the CCC. Village heads were instructed to disrupt the activities by stopping the villagers from attending the meetings or punishing the organisers of the events. A similar case was recorded in ward 5 Mncetshwa line, Tsholotsho North where a village head identified as Moyo told villagers to vote for the ruling party as it was the only party that gave them food. Moyo is said to have made it clear that all those who failed to vote for the party risked being removed from the beneficiary list. Opposition supporters were also deterred from accessing citizens while campaigning. In Umguza ward 10 it was reported that Zanu PF assailants led by Melusi Ncube were denying CCC activists the right to campaign. Reports indicate that Ncube went around telling citizens in the ward that those that were seen mingling with CCC members would be punished and expelled from the resettlement area. The day after polling, a Zanu PF party member, Nkululeko Khumalo threatened to evict opposition members that were said to have voted against Zanu PF. It was reported that Khumalo warned that villagers were given stands in the resettlement area because they were members of the ruling party. He also alleged that a program to weed out and evict opposition supporters was underway. Matabeleland South Province Cases of intimidation, harassment and threats dominated the electoral landscape in the province. At Msizini village ward 3 of Umzingwane constituency, it was reported that a Zanu PF activist who is also a kraal head, Silas Nkala threatened to set ablaze the homestead of a villager. Reports indicate that the victim had made remarks that Mnangagwa and crew should step down and give Nelson Chamisa to lead the nation. A similar case was recorded at Nyandeni Village 4 Mzimuni area, where Zanu PF activists Dennis Moyo and Bongani Mlilo warned citizens that all opposition supporters would be beaten and their homesteads set ablaze . The Zanu PF activists made these threats whilst conducting door-to-door campaigns. Furthermore, one of the known CCC members, was warned that he would to be visited at night and tortured. The CCC member is reported to have run away from his homestead that very night. In Gwanda North ward 21 it was reported that a CCC activist was targeted and followed to her home by Zanu PF assailants. They drove to her house and began to chant slogans, ‘down with sellouts'. The CCC activist ran out using a back door to the nearby bush for safety. Freedom of assembly and association violations were also recorded in the province. In Mtshingwe Resettlement ward 19 of Insiza North, it was reported that on polling day Zanu PF activists Japhet Mguni and Sichelesile Phiri forced citizens to visit the Zanu PF table which was mounted 300 metres away from the polling station. Citizens were warned that if they do not visit the desk it was going to be known that one voted for the opposition parties. At Majulula Resettlement of Insiza North ward 13, Zanu PF activist Irene Dube also forced citizens to report to the Zanu PF desk before and after voting. Citizens were told that anyone who failed to vote and report to the desk would be removed from the resettlement area. Page 18

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