more fish for sale and their own consumption. Lupane District saw continued increase in numbers of suspected Central Intelligence Operatives. Highlighted cases were of food violations. (See food section below for these.) Matebeleland South Zanu-PF activists were accused in incidents of denying political rivals access to food. The major political parties started campaigns in earnest as they competed in membership recruitment drives. No major incidents of physical confrontation were recorded. Public hearings on the NPRC Bill were held in the province and the people outrightly rejected the Bill in its current form as they complained about how the Bill accorded a lot of power to the Minister responsible against what had been proposed in the constitution. Civic society organisations were able to carry out their activities without hindrance though there was notable increase in security agents. Political parties were seen campaigning without incident. Highlights:    On 2 April, Zanu-PF ward chairperson Edison Moyo addressed villagers at Ntalale Centre in Gwanda South and said everyone was required to donate US$2 each for the upcoming Independence Day gala to be held at the centre. He said people had to show support for Zanu-PF by donating and those who declined would be viewed as enemies and sell-outs. Many people donated but only a few attended the event. On 18 April 2016, Zanu-PF members in Umzingwane were reportedly going around forcing people to attend Independence Day celebrations at Khumbudzi Centre. People from afar were ordered to fund their own transport to and from the centre. Those who could not afford were threatened with unspecified action. Some were afraid they might lose out on relief food and so had to go. On 19 April 2016, at Ntepe Village in Ward 14, Gwanda Central, during the funeral of the late village head, John Rendo Ntepe, Zanu-PF councillor and a member of Johan Masowe church, Phineas Maphosa chanted Zanu-PF slogans and the family complained and had to call the chief to reprimand the councillor. Chief Nhlamba came and chastised the councillor and members of his church. The perpetrators then left the funeral. Midlands ZimPF, which was recently launched amid pomp and fun fare, is finding the going tough as it tries to establish itself on the ground. Its recent efforts to establish grassroots political structures have met with a lot of resistance from Zanu-PF. A number of its meetings have been disrupted by Zanu-PF youths who are eager to see the ‘new born baby’ die in its infancy. One such incident occurred in Redcliff on 24 April 2016 at Rutendo Hall where ZimPF had mobilized and intended to create party structures. Before the meeting could begin, a group of Zanu-PF members led by Munyaradzi Makore, Wellington Zhou, Clemence Sibanda and Terence Shava stormed the venue and drove the gathered ZimPF members out. 21

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