The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.2) Bill is largely a reversal of the gains that were achieved through the constitution. The amendments will increase the powers of the president at the expense of the judiciary and the legislature. This is a blatant attack on the principles of democracy and the separation of powers. For example the proposed scrapping off of the running mate will only give more power to the president as he will continue appointing vice presidents, without them being given the mandate by the people. The proposed amendment for the president to appoint a sitting judge to a higher court without the judge being subjected to a public interview takes away the transparency of the appointment process and also compromises the independence of the judiciary as the president can appoint at his pleasure. Watchlist • Zimbabwe is likely to see an increase in the use of machetes in criminal activities in nonmining areas following the clamp down by the police in mining areas. • In light of the drought and the strained economy, the country is likely to face shortages of most basic commodities, thereby fuelling the black market. • As food insecurity increases, so too are the violations related to distribution of food and other aid. • As the economy continues to self- dollarize, the majority of Zimbabweans who earn Zimbabwean Dollars will be unable to cope with hyperinflation.

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