Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 23 December Freedom of Expression Right to Human Dignity *Gerald Mthabela, an MDC-T supporter, of Kamata village under Chief Siachilaba, was detained overnight at Siachilaba Police base in Binga North. Four police officers apprehended him after he was heard saying that President Mugabe and his ministers had brought the country to its knees and that the President Mugabe would not win the 2018 elections. He was accused of denigrating the president, however, no charge was laid against him. Midlands In Midlands most people complained about farming inputs being diverted and distributed to the same people at the expense of those in need. Politicians have also been accused of distributing food aid to Zanu PF supporters. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 12 December Freedom of Association Political Rights Right to Personal Security Nemangwe Zanu PF youth chairperson, Gift Mapolisa, is alleged to have told *Joseph Muchenje that unless he joins Zanu PF, he will not benefit anything from government. Muchenje was told that if he wanted to benefit from government sponsored aid he should first handover all MDC-T party materials. 23 December Constable Charumbira based at Kambasha Police Post in Gokwe Central is alleged to have unleashed dogs on *Roland Katiyo because he suspected Katiyo of having stolen from a local Zanu PF supporter and businessman. The victim sustained injuries after he was mauled by dogs. Upon resolving the issue it was confirmed that Msipa is a builder and was spotted by the businessman while he was carrying his tools and they were mistaken for a stolen loot. 27 December Right to *Matthew Msipha from Mantshiyo village in Vungu was called to headman Mantshiyo’s court and stripped of his Human community responsibilities after he was assigned to register Zanu PF supporters as food aid beneficiaries but Dignity included MDC-T supporters as well. 30 December Property *Lot Tshabangu was allegedly forcibly removed from his homestead in Nyoka village by Zanu PF ward 10 Rights chairperson, Albert Chidhakwa. Chidhakwa is said to have told Tshabangu that land belonged to Zanu PF and its Freedom of supporters and it is Zanu PF leadership that determines who gets land. Chidhakwa then started uprooting Residence Tshabangu’s fence. The victim reported the matter to headman Nyoka who declined to entertain him claiming the matter was politically sensitive. *The names of victims have been changed to protect their identities. 15

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