Matabeleland North Matabeleland North province witnessed political intolerance perpetrated by a powerful traditional leader. During the Independence Day celebrations at Lupane Centre, it was reported that John Khumalo who is acting Chief Mabhikwa told the participants that they should all vote for Zanu PF and nothing else. He warned villagers that those that will vote for opposition parties will be removed from benefiting from the social services list. Simmering intra-party violence appears to be an entity that is lingering within Citizen Coalition for Change. In Bubi constituency in ward 5, it was reported that Irvine Mabhena of CCC intimidated others to beat up other party members if they imposed candidates. It is said that Mabhena stood up during the candidate selection process and threatened to beat up party members who impose candidates or violate the process. His remarks were coupled with unprintable words. Matabeleland South Vote buying and campaigning using food aid was witnessed in Matebeleland South during the month. It was noted that at Stanmore, a Zanu PF activist identified as Gilbert Dube denied Tshuma a bucket of maize citing that the latter does not appear in the cell group records. Tshuma is a well-known Mthwakazi activist who refused to be part of the cell groups. That is how Dube used to deprive him food. Political intolerance was recorded in Sanzukwi Business centre of Mangwe constituency, where Bernard Msipha of Mthwakazi Republic Party tore Citizen Coalition for Change party posters. Msipha allegedly remarked that they won't allow non-Ndebele/Kalanga led political parties to campaign in the area. THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT | APRIL 2023 22

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