assaulted CCC Shadow Deputy Youth Assembly Spokesperson Womberai Nhende during the nomination process. In Warren Park 1, the process was abandoned after party officials reportedly produced an unknown register of people expected to decide the constituency and ward leaders. It is said that legislator Shakespeare Hamauswa had to whisk away party agents handling the process to another venue following protests. Chaotic scenes were reported in Glenview North at Zororo centre. Supporters affiliated to aspiring candidates Happymore Chidzviva (Bvondo), Special Zuze and Moses Manyengavana disrupted the process several times chanting slogans in support of their candidates. It is alleged that some drunk youths caused turmoil at the centre by throwing stones for people to vacate the centre. Other youths against Chidziva were heard shouting, “Kana asisadiwe hachadiwe” meaning if people have rejected him, they no longer want him. Manicaland The situation in Manicaland was characterised by political violence and coercion of people to contribute towards the Independence Day celebrations. It was reported that the opposition CCC convened a meeting at their provincial office in Darlington, Mutare Central where about 2000 delegates attended. The meeting was to plan for the impending 2023 elections. It is alleged that the aspiring Zanu PF Members of Parliament for Mutare Central Esau Mupfumi and Clyde Jani for Chikanga constituency, mobilised a group of Zanu PF youths to disrupt the meeting. However, after realising they were outnumbered, they retreated and informed their principals that the task could not be sustained due to their numerical disadvantage. According to a member from CCC, three of their members were seriously injured in the melee. It was reported that traditional leaders in Wendumba villages allegedly forced their subjects to make contributions of US$0.50 each per household towards the independence celebrations expenditure. In ward 11, of Mutare North, village heads collected money from their subjects and surrendered it to headman Wendumba (born Taurai Wendumba). The headman had to surrender the contributions to Zanu PF leadership at Bazeley Bridge, where the celebrations were held. THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT | APRIL 2023 18

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