• ABDUCTED & TORTURED: Noxolo Maphosa shows her wounds and torn clothes after she was abducted, tortured and sexually assaulted by alleged state security agents in the aftermath of the July 31 protests ZPP recommends that the government of Zimbabwe be cognizant of their obligations towards the people of Zimbabwe. As a government, they have a primary responsibility to ensure that all citizens are protected from social vulnerability. The current situation where people are dying because of the neglect of the health sector cannot continue. The increasing hunger and poverty and economic malaise are unacceptable. Government should set its priorities right and ensure all citizens get adequate, affordable and accessible healthcare, and measures should be put in place to avert the hunger crisis. Government should fix the economy as the current economic challenges have become the biggest threat to the realization of fundamental human rights • Government should implement security sector reforms. The current situation, where some obscure, mafia-style units are alleged to be embedded within the state security institutions are a cause for concern. Such units should be abolished as they do not have a place in what is supposed to be a democracy. The police and the army are there to protect people, and must act as such. Any individuals who commit human rights violations and crimes against humanity under the ambit of the country’s state security institutions must be prosecuted. • The executive and ruling party should respect the independence of the judiciary and the sanctity of the legal profession. Interfering in the work of judicial officers and lawyers is unacceptable and unconstitutional. The Constitution of Zimbabwe clearly specifies the separation of powers and those in power should respect that. • As August has shown, Zimbabwe has a long history of human rights violations, and this cannot continue. The government should gather will-power to end the violations and to begin a genuine healing and reconciliation process, where perpetrators open up, and victims and their families can find closure. Zimbabwe has a bright, prosperous tomorrow, and it begins today, and it starts with political will power, and citizen participation. Without that, the current situation will continue, and we will continue to ask, IS THIS FREEDOM? It is alleged that she was abducted in the morning by suspected state security agents IN HER OWN WORDS: NOXOLO MAPHOSA “I called my friend and told her there were men following me. Just as I ended the call, they grabbed me from behind and took my phone. They forced me into a white Isuzu pick-up truck. I was blindfolded and driven to a house where I was interrogated about the whereabouts of my uncle Josphat ‘Mzaca’ Ngulube, who is a political activist. I told them I did not know my uncle’s whereabouts. One of the men said I thought they were playing. He took out a knife and cut through my bra, leggings and panties. The men took turns to beat me on my legs and thighs with logs while I was naked. *Maphosa has since fled to South Africa and there were disturbing reports that she had to seek refuge at a South African police station after vehicles, suspected to belong to Zimbabwean state security agents camped close to her new home in South 9 Africa

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