It is alleged that the youths were assaulted and had difficulty in walking when they were released without charge three days later. In the month of January 155 violations were recorded and these emanated from intra and inter party fights and topping the list were harassment and discrimination cases. The relatively lower numbers of violations mask deep seated political tensions which are observed even during the distribution of food and other forms of aid. The main perpetrators of various violations are male; out of 230 recorded perpetrators, 203 are male while 24 are female. Whereas opposition party supporters have borne the brunt of violence and they have been the main victims as reported by ZPP there has been a reversal of this trend. There is a marked increase of Zanu PF party activists who were victims of violations; 51 cases involving Zanu PF victims were recorded in the month of January 2015 compared to 67 cases recorded in December 2014. The perpetrators of violence against the noted Zanu PF activists were also Zanu PF activists. Zanu PF party members still remain the main perpetrators of violence with a record 204 perpetrators compared to 13 from MDC-T party. The number of victims of political violence remain high among males (189) compared to females (72) and this could be attributed to the fact that men constitute the majority of political actors. The majority of the victims (238) have dependents that may have been affected by the violence perpetrated on their parents. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS Manicaland Food aid continues to be distributed on partisan lines with the majority of victims being in the opposition and those labelled as Mujuru loyalists. On 7 January 2015 Zanu PF activists Juliana Shoriwa and Spencer Radzoka of Ngingi village Makoni Central denied an MDC-T supporter from Nyagota village ward 21 access to a 50 kg bag of fertilizer which was being distributed under the Presidential Input Scheme. The victim was accused of belonging to the wrong political party. Reported Food Violations - January 2015 14 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7 5 0 0 1 4 2 1 1 Figure 2: Reported Food Violations On 25 January 2015, in Chikanga Township a Zanu PF activist Edward Gurudza denied another Zanu PF member perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction fertilizer distributed under the Presidential Input Scheme. 4

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