party structures. 11 January 2015 - A war veteran provincial leader Temba Chokuwamba pushed for the removal of party Chairperson and Councillor for ward 6 in Rushinga. The victim was accused of being aligned to the former MP Lazarus Dokora who is suspected to be associated with former VP Joice Mujuru. Temba Chokuwamba is said to work closely with the incumbent MP Wonder Mashange who is believed to be out to destroy the political career of Lazarus Dokora who he believes could stifle his prospects of victory for the Rushinga seat in 2018.  14 January 2015 - A teacher at Chiwenga Primary School in Muzarabani North was summoned to a Zanu PF meeting by Remani Marera. Four Zanu PF youths who were sent to collect the victim sang revolutionary songs and embarrassed him in front of school children. He was accused of being an MDC-T supporter as he had been seen wearing a Zimrights t-shirt. The perpetrators burned the t-shirt and threatened him with eviction from the school. They further threatened him with unspecified action if the case was reported to the police. Political tension from the Zanu PF intra-party fights continued to simmer in the province to the extent that it was now negatively affecting even ordinary people such as civil servants or community members who are perceived to have links with former VP Joice Mujuru. Although Zanu PF party has its own internal issues to contend with its members continue to harass, intimidate and discriminate against members of MDC-T party especially with regards to access to resources meant for all citizens of Zimbabwe.  5 January 2015 - A personal aid of the dismissed Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education Dr. Oliver Muchena was told to stop farming at his plot which he acquired under the land distribution programme. He was told to vacate the plot by Costa Makoni because of his association with the former Minister who allegedly rebelled against the President by being aligned to the former VP Joice Mujuru. The victim was shocked by the incident that he fled to his rural home. The probability of him not returning to farm on the plot is very high.  13 January 2015 - Two Zanu PF workers based at Marondera Office were harassed and threatened with beatings by a war veteran known as Chitekuteku and Simon Dengu as well as seven other Zanu PF youths. The workers fled from the office and are said to have reported the case to the acting provincial Chairperson Honourable Biggie Matiza.  13 January 2015 – A Zanu PF District Chairperson in Mutoko South was relieved of his duties after being accused of supporting former VP Joice Mujuru. Wiseman  Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault 6 5 1 12 Mash East Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to liberty and security of person 10

Select target paragraph3