Communique from the 2024 Peace Indaba held at the Salvation Army Church in Bulawayo from 15 to 16 October 2024 Cultivating a Culture of Peace The Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) representing over 50% of the Christian population in Zimbabwe, in collaboration with the Ecumenical Church Leaders Forum (ECLF) and the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) convened the inaugural 2024 International Day of Peace commemorations in Bulawayo on the 15th to the 16th of October 2024. This Peace Indaba brought together 60 participants from the Church, Independent Commissions, Government Departments, Community leaders and Civil Society Organisations coming from all the 10 Provinces of the country. The Peace Indaba was held under the theme ‘Cultivating a Culture of Peace’. 1. Participants reflected on the state of peace in Zimbabwe and agreed that all stakeholders must work together in cultivating a culture of peace across the length and depth of Zimbabwe. Participants further reflected on the need to promote women peace and security agenda in the implementation of the national action plan on women peace and security. During the deliberations, participants at the Peace Indaba noted and: 1.1 Understand that Section 10 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe compels that “the State and every person including juristic persons, and every institution and agents of government at every level, must promote national unity, peace and stability.” 1.2 Appreciate the current efforts by the Government and other critical stakeholders in promoting and cultivating a culture of peace in the country as provisioned in the Constitution of Zimbabwe whose Preamble and National Values (Section 3.1) cherishes respects of people’s freedoms, equality, peace, justice, and tolerance. 1.3 Applaud the Governments efforts in working towards national healing and reconciliation by launching the Gukurahundi Community Outreach Programme in March 2024. We believe that this national initiative which is led by traditional leaders must also include religious leaders since the Church is a central institution in promoting social cohesion and community healing. 1.4 Affirm that the Church has a divine mandate to faithfully promote unity, peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation in the land as the Scriptures declare that God has committed to the Church, the Ministry of peace-making (Matthew 5 verse 9) and reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5 verse 19). Just as Jesus Christ has given His Peace to believers (John 14 verse 27), the Church is called upon to be the Light of the World – an agent of peace and reconciliation – to build peace and to make peace possible for all creation. 1.5 Reiterate the work of the Church and other stakeholders in promoting national values, peace, and social cohesion in the country. Of particular significance, we note the work of the Church in promoting good governance, electoral monitoring, the publication of the National Vision Document: The Zimbabwe We Want, the Principles of Engagement on Gukurahundi; and the ongoing National Dialogue efforts. 1.6 Underscore our commitment to work towards eliminating political related violence and the violation of people’s rights, eradication of corruption and economic inequalities, as well as playing a critical role in promoting a healthy environment, we all citizens celebrate peace and unity.

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