Some stalls that are visible along the road to Sakubva stadium were demolished in preparation for the rally. executive youth member, Knowledge Nyamhuka, urged school children and vendors in Mutare not to leave their homes on Friday to avoid being forced to attend the Zanu PF rally. This came after the Zanu PF provincial youth chairperson Chingono and the Chikanga/ Dangamvura MP Mupfumi had earlier indicated that they were going to force people to attend the rally. It is alleged that Nyamhuka said this when addressing the party supporters and other residents at the MDC-T meeting held at their provincial offices located at Number 2 Darlington in ward 10 of Mutare Central constituency. Manicaland Minister for Provincial Affairs, Chimene, is alleged to have ordered Mutare Teachers College and Mutare Technical College administration to bus students to clean up Mutare in preparation for the presidential youth interface. The students complained that they had not been informed in advance and had to miss lessons the whole day on 14 June. Students from Mutanda, Chisamba, Dangare primary as well as Sakubva and Elise Gledhill secondary schools were forced to attend the presidential youth interface. Informal traders’ stalls demolished in preparation for the rally in Mutare (Picture by ZPP) On 13 June 2017 Zanu PF chairperson Mukono went around markets in ward 3 of Mutasa, Mutare Central in the company of approximately 200 Zanu PF youths ordering vendors not to sell their wares starting from 14 to 16 June in preparation for the rally. Mutare vendors and residents were forced to clean Sakubva stadium, the venue for the Zanu PF presidential youth interface. Zanu PF supporters also allegedly threatened to assault people who failed or refused to help clean up ward 3 of Mutare Central constituency. In Makoni South, Manicaland Province on 22 and 23 June there was a farm invasion and farm workers were left homeless and stranded. The tobacco growing Lesbury Farm which belongs to Robert Smart and his son Darrell was invaded by Bishop Trevor Manhanga. This is despite that the Smart family has owned the farm since the 1930s. After the farm workers contested the authenticity of the eviction notice, Manhanga used three trucks loaded with people from the deputy sheriff, police officers from Rusape Police Station and members of the Support Unit Department to evict the farm dwellers. Farm workers’ property was also removed from their houses and scattered outside the farm. In ward 10 of Mutare Central, vendors’ stalls were destroyed by Zanu PF youths in the build up to the June 16 rally. It was reported that on 14 June at around 1am, suspected Zanu PF youths demolished all vending stalls around Bata and Friendly supermarket in Mutare Central. It was then said that all vendors’ commodities were left scattered everywhere and their tables allegedly set on fire. At Watsomba Business Centre in ward 21 of Mutasa Central, unidentified Zanu PF youths were demanding $2 from each vendor at the business centre on 14 June. It was reported that they were saying the money is going to be used for fuel to bus people from Mutasa to Sakubva stadium. Property of Lesbury farm workers that was damaged and dumped outside Lesbury farm (Picture by ZPP) On 14 June it was reported that an MDC-T national 13

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