Mbombo and Pardon Chitembwe. The attacks resulted in the destruction of Kadenge’s house and injury of some people. The case was reported at Makoni Police Station (RRB number 3190605) and some of the perpetrators reported to the police station for questioning. June as they felt the increase was too much considering the country’s economy. Pastor Evan Mawarire, who was protesting in solidarity with the medical students, was arrested together with a student, Ocean Chihota, and detained at Avondale Police Station. They were released on bail. ZPP has, as part of the report annexures, a letter from the university registrar addressed to the medical students. Unidentified individuals destroyed windows of a Glenorah house belonging to a political activist. The victim reported that the incident took place on 22 June around 2am when he was sleeping. He heard sound of windows being broken but was not able to identify the attackers. The matter was reported at Glenorah police (RRB 3167673) and the issue is under investigation by the Police Peace Unit. However, the victim is speculating that the perpetrators are ZanuPF youths that have threatened him since he has joined Tajamuka activists that have been participating in demonstrations against Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) over the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) kits. Student leader *David Makunde went missing following the UZ demonstration and was reported missing in case docket number RRB3190902. Makunde was found in Mbare a week later and he said he had been abducted by people who had asked him for direction near his home in Chitungwiza. They offered him a lift saying they were headed in the same direction. Along the way, Makunde said he was hit on the head by an object and lost consciousness. He woke up at a house that had no windows and the assailants interrogated him about the disturbances that had occurred at the university. The perpetrators fed him on bread and gave him water after which he lost consciousness again. He woke up in an open space in Mbare is currently receiving medical assistance. On the morning of 29 June a commuter omnibus overturned when traffic police threw a spike at the moving vehicle in Harare city centre. Commuters that included students from Churchill High School sustained injuries. Vendors then started protesting against the continued use of spikes that places lives of people at risk. Anti-riot police moved into the city centre to control the crowd when vendors started to attack throwing stones. It alleged that a police officer lost his life during the running battles, however the officer on duty at Harare Central Disctrict could not confirm nor deny the allegation for ZPP. One of the windows damaged by suspected Zanu PF supporters (Picture by ZPP) At the University of Zimbabwe in Mount Pleasant ward 17, medical students were evicted from campus residences after they demonstrated against increase in fees. During the demonstration that took place on campus, anti-riot and campus police who were sent in to restore order assaulted students. It is alleged that on 15 June the vice chancellor, Professor Levy Nyangura, and the student representative council reached a consensus regarding increase of academic fees for medicine students from $700 to $1500 per semester. However, the affected students held a peaceful demonstration on 26 11

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