s Violations analysis This month, the percentage of women victims of human rights violations went up to 48.15 percent, up from 47.15 percent in the month of August . ZPP has noted an increase in the levels of victimization of women because in January, women made up about 41 percent of the victims and by May 2021, they were at 45 percent. This time, the ruling Zanu PF, which has always been the second highest perpetrator of human rights violations, overtook the long-standing chief perpetrator, the ZRP. This is a very sad trend considering that the ruling party should be setting the standards in terms of observing human rights while the ZRP itself is mandated to act to enforce the law in a peaceful and human-centred way. There was a resurgence of the activities of machete gangs, especially in the Midlands, and these contribute to just over one percent of the violations.

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