3.1.2 Manicaland The relaxation of the lockdown regulations opened floodgates for political activity to resume in the country. Manicaland Province was no exception. In this province, like everywhere else, Zanu PF was conducting its business as usual, gathering and mobilizing its supporters. The factional clashes continued into the month of September and in Mutare, about 200 youths and other party supporters besieged the Manicaland provincial offices baying for provincial Chairperson Mike Madiro’s blood, accusing him of influencing the ongoing district election process. The factional fights in Manicaland are typical of what is being witnessed in other provinces. Zanu PF acting national spokesperson Mike Bimha told the media the party did not believe in violence. “We all know that when there are elections, people jostle for positions, but we don’t accept violence. Any violence of any sort is condemned and we would want to take disciplinary action,” he told a local newspaper, NewsDay. Ironically, his utterances are not reflected in what is happening in Manicaland districts and the nation at large, where party officials and activists are resorting to all forms of violent and coercive methods to win their way. Interestingly, one of those protesting at the Manicaland Zanu PF office, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Associations national political commissar Joel Mureremba said statements that reminds many of the extent to which Zanu PF supporters and officials are prepared to go. He is quoted in the paper saying they ‘cannot continue to sleep as the party is being destroyed’ He goes on to vow that they will camp at the party headquarters and that they do not fear hunger. He ends with juxtaposing their experiences in the liberation struggle and the ensuing plans to ‘go for many days without eating anything’ while maintaining a vigil at the party’s offices. By evoking war memories, Mureremba simply pointed out that they are prepared to go to war. For many who have followed Zimbabwe’s elections, these statements are not new. Army generals and top Zanu PF officials have recklessly expressed these warnings during election times and only recently, presidential spokesperson, George Charamba hinted that war veterans would not allow the hand over of power to MDC Alliance Nelson Chamisa if he won elections.

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