Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Bulawayo During the Unity Day holiday at Joshua Nkomo Statue, the Zimbabwe Republic Police and Central Intelligence Organization arrested three activists during the Gukurahundi commemoration. Ibhetshu likaZulu organised the event to remember Gukurahundi victims. During the peaceful march to the main venue at Stanley Square Makhokhoba suburb, it was reported that state security stopped the event and arrested Thamsanqa Ncube, Melusi Nyathi and Samkeliso Nyathi. The activists were arrested shortly after presenting their speeches and presentations and detained at Bulawayo Central Police. In ward 13, Delani Moyo of an unknown political party forced Thokozani Phuthi to remove his party regalia of the Mthwakazi Republic Party. It is said that Moyo told Phuthi to remove the regalia citing that the latter was misguided to support a party that is intolerant and tribal. Ironically, Moyo was intolerant of Phuthi’s political party. Manicaland In Manicaland Province, threats to personal security, political rights and freedom of assembly and association were noted as major highlights. On 10 December 2022, it was reported that there was a crew of Zanu PF men on motorbikes which moved around Makoni South and intimidated villagers in wards 17, 18 and ward 23 at around noon at Changadzo market. The meetings were organised and chaired by Cephas Makurumidze, a war veteran from Chingono village. The other organisers were four men from Chimanimani, Buhera, Nyanga and Chipinge districts. They asked community members why they always voted for the opposition in the wards mentioned above and that they should vote for the ruling Zanu PF party or risk victimisation. They had used the meeting to lure people into bringing IDs to receive food aid, but instead, the IDs were for registering them in Zanu PF registers. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 18

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