1 Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 The RoundUP During December, ZPP recorded a total of 209 human rights violations, a notable decrease from November's 263. Distributed by Province and the number of cases, topping the violations was Harare with 36, Mashonaland Central with 32, Manicaland with 27, and the rest accounting for the difference. During the month, 1,842 victims were identified (1,354 male and 483 female, including 3 female PWDs and 2 male PWDs). Threats and intimidation cases were prevalent in December, with documented incidents recorded in Makoni South, Bikita East, Mt Darwin and Binga, to name a few. Preparations and garnering support for the 2023 elections resulted in citizens being threatened and harassed to support certain political parties. Victims of human rights violations who are persons with disability decreased to 0.16% for women PWDs and 0.11% for men in the month. Most human rights cases were perpetrated by the Zanu PF party, responsible for 44.7% of the violations, followed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) at 28%. The general citizens populated the highest percentage of victims at 88%, and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party supporters followed with 9%. Law enforcement agents and the ruling party continue to subject Zimbabwe's citizens to gross human rights violations. The Monthly Monitoring Report is a compilation of human rights violations in Zimbabwe. The report exposes offenders, raises public awareness of social, political, economic, civil, and cultural rights, and resources advocacy campaigns among stakeholders. As Zimbabwe heads for the 2023 elections, ZPP rolled out the #RRRV2023 campaign to mobilise citizens to Resist, Reject, and Report politically-motivated violence. The campaign aims to create a peaceful election environment where the electorate can defend the vote and report violations while raising their attention and responsiveness to pressure duty bearers to account. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 1

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